
Wednesday, August 14, 2019

fight layer! :)

First, I started out not loving my story, so I added a lot more detail, and this is how it turned out.
In the future, I would definitely make a realistic story, not a video game.
Feel free to comment feedback, or to play the story! :)

Monday, August 5, 2019

Our bird art.

Last term we started to make our bird art work for production. We cut pieces of coloured paper, and glued them to black paper to create a bird.  It was annoying when the glue got all over my fingers. Plus, it took a term and a bit to finish! I'm not to proud of this,  but it's OK.  Next time, I will try not rush as  much. This is my artwork...

Friday, August 2, 2019

Learning Together! (school science)

Did you know, there a three states of matter: liquid, solid, and gas!? Well, I didn't' either until today, whilst we were making Oobleck with Mrs Evans. If this sounds interesting, here is how you make it.
What you will need:
a bowl.
a spoon.
food colouring, (optional)
and 1 cup (for measuring)
And that's all! Its simpler than it sounds.

Add 1 cup of water, into the large mixing bowl. then add a drop of food colouring. I suggest, if you would like... a bit of blue and a little purple make a light purple colour. Its better not to have a measurement for the corn starch. So just add it bit by bit, I also suggest that you mix it while adding. then when it gets harder, its normally ready. And just like that, your done! Its super fun to play with, until it goes mouldy.